Which Fuji Spray Sunless System Is Right For You? (A Guide)

Which Fuji Spray Sunless System Is Right For You? (A Guide)

You can use the best tanning solution and accessories, have a great setup and even clients that know exactly how to prepare for a spray tan… but if you don’t have the right turbine and applicator, you can’t give the best spray tan possible.

The spray tanning system you choose should be based on your needs. It’s that simple. But, which system is right for your needs? We want to help answer that question with this easy to understand guide that will show you the Fuji Spray Sunless soloTAN, studioTAN and salonTAN systems, as well as our four applicator models.

Fuji Spray Sunless Systems Usage Guide


Recommended for Personal or Light use.
Not recommended for continuous use.

Model #6175 comes with T-PRO Applicator
Model #2175 comes with TAN7350 Applicator

Weight: 4.6 lbs

Intended for personal and light use, the soloTAN series systems are lightweight and ultra-portable. At less than 5 lbs, and designed with a curved silhouette to mimic your everyday satchel, the soloTAN is sleek and stylish.

Features of the soloTAN include lightweight portability for mobile technicians, convenient applicator storage, a padded handle and shoulder strap for comfortable carrying, and easy power cord storage.

Learn more about the soloTAN series at fujispraysunless.com/solotanseries


Recommended for Medium to Heavy use.

Model #6100 comes with T-PRO Applicator
Model #2100 comes with TAN7350 Applicator

Weight: 14.4 lbs

Ready for both mobile and salon-based spray tan technicians, the Fuji Spray Sunless studioTAN series is recommended for a medium to heavy spraying schedule. Powered by a 2-stage motor, specifically balanced for the spray tanning industry, the studioTAN has the power you need to give your clients the spray tan they’re dreaming of.

Features of the studioTAN include Noise Reduction Covers™, ​​Fuji Spray’s Heat Dissipation Box™, a durable turbine case, and easy portability for mobile technicians.

Learn more about the studioTAN series at fujispraysunless.com/studiotan-series


Recommended for Heavy use.

Model #6150 comes with T-PRO Applicator
Model #2150 comes with TAN7350 Applicator

Weight: 23.2 lbs

With the power to spray a full day of clients, the salonTAN series was designed for busy working spray tan professionals. Equipped with patented noise reduction technology to allow for conversations and a comfortable salon or spa experience, the salonTAN lets you do your best work without the loud distractions of other turbines.

From your first client of the day to the last, the salonTAN is ready to help you get the job done and send everyone home happy.

Features of the salonTAN include Patented Noise Reduction Technology (56 dba), Fuji Spray’s Heat Dissipation Box™, a durable turbine case, and a turbine mounted applicator holder.

Learn more about the salonTAN series at fujispraysunless.com/salontan-series


Fuji Spray Sunless Applicator Guide


4200 T-PRO Bottom Feed Applicator

The 4200 T-PRO Bottom Feed Applicator is a lightweight bleeder applicator with an easy-pull trigger. Its sleek and elegant design adds style to its effectiveness.

With features including an Ergonomic Stay Cool Handle™, Patented Side Mounted Fan Control™ and a 2-year warranty, the 4200 T-PRO is a quality applicator, ready to get the job done. Perfect for full body and contour spraying, you and your clients are going to love the results.

Applicator Includes:

• Duck Bill/ Pressure Tube (5 Pack)
• 250cc Cups with Lid (6 Pack)
• Mini 3-Cup Set
• Duck Bill Mini Cup Assembly
• Gaskets (3 Pack)
• Cup Parts Kit

Learn more about the 4200 T-PRO Bottom Feed Applicator at fujispraysunless.com/product/4200-t-pro-bottom

TAN7350 Applicator

Available with a system or on its own, the TAN7350 is lightweight with stainless steel fluid passages and tip assembly (0.8mm air cap set).

The TAN7350’s Ergonomic Stay Cool Handle™ and rear-mounted fan control offer a comfortable and convenient spraying experience with precision and control at your fingertips. This applicator also includes a 250cc bottom feed cup and a 2-year warranty.

Applicator includes:

• Duck Bill/ Pressure Tube (5 Pack)
• 250cc Cups with Lid (6 Pack)
• Mini 3-Cup Set
• Duck Bill Mini Cup Assembly
• Gaskets (3 Pack)
• Cup Parts Kit

Learn more about the TAN7350 at fujispraysunless.com/product/tan-7350

TAN7400 Applicator

The TAN7400 is a featherlight plastic bleeder applicator that is perfect for beginners, or as a secondary applicator for any spray tan technician.

With adjustable fan orientation (narrow, horizontal, and vertical), as well as stainless steel fluid passages and tip assembly (.7mm air cap set), a 300cc bottom feed cup, and a 1-year warranty, the TAN7400 is an excellent addition to your spray tanning equipment.

Applicator Includes:

• 300cc Cup with Lid
• Gaskets (3 Pack)
• Diaphragm / Pick-Up Tube

Learn more about the TAN7400 at fujispraysunless.com/product/tan-7400

9620 Contour Applicator

The 9620 Contour Applicator makes every spray tan technician’s life easier by removing the need for a compressor and airbrush. With three adjustable fan orientations (circle, horizontal, and vertical) and a fan width ranging from ¼” to 6”, this applicator works with your Fuji Spray Sunless turbine system and allows you to give your client the detail they need when you spray.

This lightweight bleeder applicator has a stainless steel tip assembly (1.0mm air cap set), a 250cc bottom feed cup assembly for quick changes between solutions, and comes with a 1-year warranty.

Applicator Includes:

• Cup Assembly
• Pressure Tube (3 Pack)

Learn more about the 9620 Contour Applicator at fujispraysunless.com/product/9620-contour-applicator


Making the right equipment decision will help you in all facets of your spray tanning business. If you have any questions about your Fuji Spray Sunless system or applicator, or you are interested in learning more, visit our product pages or contact us on our Contact Us page, via email at support@fujispray.com, or by phone at 1-800-650-0930.

Fuji Spray Sunless®

800 Alness Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2H5 1-800-650-0930 support@fujispray.com